How to Hide Apps on iPhone 14: The Complete Guide

Just from accessing your mobile phone, everyone easily knows about your preferences, likes, or your personality. So, if you are using an iPhone working with iOS 16, you can hide the app on your device easily. It also means that Apple allows you to hide apps on iPhone 14. Here are the methods to hide the apps on your device, iPhone 14.

hide apps on iphone 14

Hiding Apps to App Library

It is possible to categorise all apps on your iPhone 14 such as Games, Social, Audio, and others. Now, you can hide the apps from the home screen easily to the App library.

Here are the steps on how to hide applications from the home screen to the App Library:

  • Press and then hold the app icon.
  • After that, when the popup menu opens, you can click the Remove App.
  • To continue, you can click on the Move to the App Library.
  • By using this tutorial, you can hide the App on the iPhone App Library.

Hiding from Home Screen Page

The second step on how to hide the iPhone’s App is to move the entire application to a different page on the home screen. After that, you can hide the home screen page, here are the complete steps to follow:

hide apps from home screen

  • Touch and hold the apps on your home screen.
  • Tap remove app and then tap Remove from Home Screen.
  • You’re not deleting the app, so you won’t lose data.
  • You can find your hidden apps in your App Library any time.

Hide Apps on iPhone 14 from Search & Apple Suggestion

So, you just hide apps on iPhone 14 from the home screen but you want to hide them also from Siri and Search suggestions. If that is the case, here are the steps to do:

  • Head to the iPhone Settings.
  • Tap on the Siri and search option.
  • Scroll down and then choose the applications that you want to hide from Search and Siri.
  • Uncheck all the options that show.

Now, you have to hide the applications that you want.

Hiding from the App Folder

The next way to hide your applications on iPhone 14 is by using the App folder, and here are the instructions to follow:

  • Create a new folder and then choose the folder that you would like to hide.
  • Press and then hold the application icon.
  • Your device will display Action Menu and then choose the Edit Home Screen option.
  • Hold and then drag the App that you would like to hide.
  • Locate it on the second page.

Hide from the App Store Purchase History

It is also possible to hide the application in one more place, that is from the App Store History. Here are the steps on how to hide the applications from the app store purchase history to follow:

  • Head to the iPhone App Store.
  • After that, you can click on your photo, located at the top of the right corner of your device.
  • Now, tap on the “Purchased” option
  • If you see the list of all apps, the next thing to do is to give a check for an application that you would like to hide.
  • Now, swipe leftover that App and then click on the hide button.

That is all the complete guide on how to hide applications on your iPhone 14. It is easy, isn’t it?

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